Wednesday, April 28, 2010

so this moring i woke up at 6:30 and made johnny a huge breakfast. eggs, bisqets gravy sausage and bacon!!. the best part of it was while johnny was eating it he smiled at me and said ''mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mama mmmmmmmmm'' it melted my heart!! i live for those moments. then after i cleaned him up and put him down to go play i swear he looked and me and said wav u mama.<3 when i start getting down about not having many friends to go out with or a job.. its like johnny knows it and reminds me that he he wants me here. thats all for know.
ok so know its wednesday after noon........ i have cleaned the bathroom!!!! i will clean the rest tomorrow. so a little while ago johnny was eating his lunch and all the sudden he burst out laughing i look ove and he was sticking food down his diper.... gggggggeezzzzzz but it made me laugh..

1 comment:

  1. We may have to live on the tight side of the budget but it's worth it when you see the smile on their face and know they're truly happy and love you no matter what!
